Or, is Mr. Jones "Friend" Loretta insinuating, to us, the audience that her and Noel are more than just friends!
Unlike, Mr.Noel and his lady friend Ms.Loretta would like us to believe their just friends, it doesn't stop there. Talk is Noel Jones is currently dating LisaRaye better known to some as (Diamond) from the players club. Now, how did that news make it around the way!?
Then there was a "First lady" tea party on this past episode, but the thing about the "First Ladies" tea party was that not all the ladies that attended the even't were wives of the pastors, and usually the only women considered first ladies in the church are the pastors wives, which wasn't the case for this first ladies tea party, because not all the ladies who attended were wives of the pastors. .
Again, I applaud the Oxygen network for airing this show, it's showing the reality that some ministers do use the gospel for entertainment purposes and to gain life luxuries and are not solely sharing, or spreading the gospel to save lives. These preachers are looked upon to not only spread Basic, Instructions, Before, Leaving, Earth, but to live it as well. Yet, seems like some of these minister's can still use some ministering to themselves. Lord, know's like J.Cole I'm a born sinner, but again I haven't taken on a oath as a pastor, so like Kendrick Lamar states "Lord Forgive me." Hopefully after the end of this season show these ministers will still have a congregation standing behind them.