Because no one knows exactly what happened or what was said to Solange to set her off to the point of wanting to beat the crap out of her brother-in-law Jay-Z, except them those four walls and that bodyguard, which I doubt he's talking...
Yet, I was surprised by how calm and collected everyone was before and after they got in and out of the elevator. Then how fast they got it together when those elevator doors opened for the last time.
Solange lunged over to knock, along with kick the crap out of her brother-in-law as her sister Beyonce stepped in to fix her dress. Then the reaction of the three as they exited the elevator, priceless. Jay-Z rubbing his face, looking like he just got the Sh*t slapped out of him (which he did), Beyonce fake smile looking puzzled and Solange storming right pass the press, looking deranged.
Yet, all I could think was "They sure know how to put up a facade for the cameras in 0.2 seconds," but really this whole Beyonce and Jay-Z relationship reminds me of nothing but Ike and Tina Turner's relationship. And we all know how that went down, along with how much Beyonce loved and admired Tina Turner, even as a child as she's expressed before, so hopefully her life won't play out like Ike and Tina's. Then how ironic that Beyonce's Mother's name is Tina too.
Hopefully, Beyonce will not be reciting the line's from" What's Love Got To Do With It" when Anna May goes to the court and tell the judge "He Can Keep Everything, But I'm Keeping The Last Name" and " Jay-Z be like " Now... Now... The Name Stays Home"..... Lol Seriously, all jokes aside, I wish them the best in their personal life, whichever direction it takes them outside the entertainment industry because when it gets physical you'll know someone then went and gone cra-cra.
Then what's been going on with Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon!? Rumors are their relationship is on the rock's, but according to Nick Cannon spoke to Parade magazine saying rumors are:
"Carey wants to "cut him loose" because she's angry about him talking about his past sexual exploits in interviews," but tell's the magazine the rumors has "no merit or truth."

Nonetheless, when it comes to relationships sometimes, even in Hollywood as Outkast state's "Lean and a little bit closer and see that roses really smell like" and you know the rest.
Until next time...Thank's for reading my blog ;.p